In this British horror, a film crew pitch up at an old abandoned house to film a vampire movie. However, it is a night of a full moon and a werewolf resides in the grounds of the house. The director of Wolf Manor is Dominic Brunt, better known as Paddy Kirk in Emmerdale, and he makes a cameo appearance here. He has a second career directing in the horror genre, most notably with Bait in 2014.

This is a nicely taut 80 minute, low budget, chiller with a simple set up and some decent shocks. James Fleet is clearly having fun as the past his best lead actor and Rupert Procter does good work as the seasoned director. There are also some decent humorous touches, mostly involving mistaking real body parts for film props, but also an ill-advised dream sequence. The final showdown is a bit of a damp squib but this is mostly good stuff.

Rating:7 out of 10