In the small town of Ballygar, Ireland, 1967, close friends Lily (Maggie Smith) and Eileen (Kathy Bates) dream of going to Lourdes. Eileen has discovered a lump on her breast and is looking for a miracle rather than going to the doctors. Lily wants to take her friend Dolly (Agnes O’Casey) and her son as he has never spoken a word.

Their chance comes to make the trip when they win a raffle prize but before they make the trip, Eileen’s ex-best friend Chrissie (Laura Linney) turns up in Ballygar, forty years after apparently abandoning her family and friends to go to Boston.

You pretty much know what you are going to get going into The Miracle Club. A heart-warming tale, full of poignant moments and scattered with humour. It is also predictably well acted, especially by Linney and Hazel Doupe as Eileen’s daughter. But, although there are no real surprises, it is a pleasure to watch.

It never gets preachy about religion, instead there are digs about the Catholic faith. Things may be tidied up too neatly at the end, but this is a hard film to dislike.

Rating: 7 out of 10