The events that resulted in that find have been brought to the screen by director Stephen Frears and the writing duo of Jeff Pope and Steve Coogan. Coogan also co-stars as John Langley, the husband of Phillipa Langley, the woman who instigated the search.

Sally Hawkins though, dominates the film as Philippa, who is convinced the popular portrayal of Richard in drama and history books is wrong. She is also determined to find his body and give him the burial she thinks he deserves. So, the film is as much her being heard, as it is about the late monarch getting his due.

There has been a lot of controversy about how the local council and University of Leicester are portrayed. They were apparently much more amenable to Philippa’s ideas than is shown, but their deceitful behaviour as depicted in the movie gives the story some dramatic tension it would have otherwise lacked. It certainly works better than the frequent appearances by Richard that only Philippa can see.

This is quite a slight story but Hawkins always keeps it more than watchable.

Rating: 6.5 out of 10