In this irreverent comedy, Reggie, an abandoned dog teams up with three other strays to get revenge on his owner.

I suspected that the best gags would have been in the trailer, a common failing for comedies, and whilst a lot of them were, there are just enough other funny moments to sustain the thin plot. However, for every joke that hits the mark, there are a couple that do not, some of which are made more than once, as well as a terrible druggy sequence after the four friends eat some wild mushrooms.

More surprisingly, some of the emotional scenes work well, but I suppose you cannot go wrong with cute dogs!

The voices are well cast including Will Ferrell as Reggie and Isla Fisher as the female dog in the group. Special mention also needs to be given to animators who very effectively make it look like the dogs are really talking.

Rating: 6 out of 10