This new horror movie has been written and directed by Kiah Roache-Turner, with Alyla Browne starring as Charlotte, in a nod to E.B White, a rebellious 12 year old girl who lives in a dilapidated apartment building. She is often left on her own, and one day, she stumbles on a tiny spider hatched from a strange glowing object. She decides to keep it as a pet, naming it Sting. As Charlotte cares for Sting, the spider begins to grow at an alarming rate.

I enjoyed how Sting was staged in a single apartment block, with its maze of ventilation shafts and group of mostly eccentric residents. It is well-paced by Roache-Turner, taking time to build the tension as the spider grows and it will provide chills even for those without a fear of the eight-legged creatures.

Browne does really well in what could have been a cliched role of a stroppy young girl and Jermaine Fowler is fun as an exterminator. The final face off with Sting is excellently done though it was followed by the inevitable sequel set up.

Rating: 7 out of 10

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