Shark movies are regularly popping up on streaming services, and here is a rare cinema release for one of them, and a further rarity in it being a British production with almost entirely British characters. Five female friends are reunited for a destination wedding. They hire a boat in order to spend time together on the day before the nuptials, but it sinks and they are left stranded in open water.

This is a cut above most recent films involving shark attacks as it is as more about the strained relationships between the friends and that works because of an above par screenplay by Cat Clarke. The cast of mostly unknowns, with the exception of Lauren Lyle who plays the bride-to-be, do a good job, especially Hiftu Quasem as the most sympathetic character.

Director Hayley Easton Street keeps things bubbling along nicely, and whilst the identities of who survives, and who does not, feels a little obvious, it is efficiently and effectively made.

Rating: 7 out of 10

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