Formula 1 is one of the few sports I have little or no interest in. Sanitised, over sponsored, and with drivers lacking character, I find it immensely dull. Things were different back in the sport’s heyday of the 1970s, and this film tells the story of the spectacular and tense championship fought out by Nikki Lauda and James Hunt in 1976. Ron Howard, the director, pulls of a similar feat to the one he did with Apollo 13, by making you sit on the edge of your seat even if you know the outcome.

Skilfully plotted, you start to root for each man in turn as the season unfolds, as they reveal themselves to be more than the one dimensional characters they first appear to be – Lauda, cold and calculating, Hunt flamboyant and egotistical. Daniel Bruhl and Chris Hemsworth are both impressive in those roles and Stephen Mangan is as fun as always in a small supporting role. The period detail with the cars and tracks is captured very well, and with the noise of the engines, this is one to catch on the big screen.