Films like Pride and Prejudice and Zombies sometimes suffer from having a great premise but nothing of substance to back that up. Thankfully, this isn’t totally the case here. Taking the basic plot and the characters of the classic Jane Austen book, and setting the story at the time when England is being overrun by zombies, this is largely a fun romp.

I was expecting an out-and-out comedy, but it is more of a zombie thriller with funny elements. Matt Smith is a hoot as Pastor Collins, and scenes such as the Bennet sisters sitting in the parlour maintaining their weapons, when in traditional tellings we would see them sewing or reading work really well. Additionally, Lily James is very good as the feisty heroine Elizabeth, as is Sam Riley as the sullen Mr Darcy and Sally Phillips is great fun as the girls’ mother.

Despite all those good elements, there are a number of weaknesses. Some of the rest of the cast make less of an impression with Jack Huston and Douglas Booth being much too bland in their roles as Mr Wickham and Mr Bingley respectively. The limited budget is all too evident when great battles with zombies are mentioned but not shown, and the ending is very predictable.

Rating: 6 out of 10