It is not surprising, with the video film industry out-grossing its movie equivalent, that Hollywood continues to adapt games into films. Uncharted is the latest one to hit our screens. As a non-gamer, I cannot comment on how true it is to the source material. But it does join a very short list – with the original Resident Evil and Werewolves Within – of an adaptation to largely work in its own right.

Mark Wahlberg stars as treasure hunter Victor Sullivan who recruits Tom Holland’s Nathan Drake to find a fortune in gold hidden by Ferdinand Magellan’s crew. There follows a series of puzzles and action set pieces as the pair team up with a fellow adventurer, Chloe (Sophia Ali) whilst the ruthless Santiago Moncada (Antonio Banderas) and Braddock (Tati Gabrielle) pursue them and the riches.

The rooftop chases, fights when dangling from planes, and clue solving bely the movie’s origins but do not detract from how enjoyable it is. Wahlberg is an underrated performer and the role suits him well though the blander Tom Holland gets more screen time. The far-fetched plot gallops along nicely so that I did not worry about the implausibility too much. However, the climax does feel a little flat after some much better sequences at an auction and underground in Barcelona.

Rating: 6.5 out of 10