Netflix has released Ben Falcone’s super-hero spoof, Thunder Force.

Octavia Spencer plays Emily Stanton, a scientist who devises a way of giving someone incredible strength and the power to make someone invisible in order to combat the super villains who are terrorising Chicago and who have killed her parents. Her childhood friend Lydia Berman (Melissa McCarthy) visits her and accidentally acquires the strength power. Emily takes the treatment to acquire invisibility and together they form Thunder Force and set out to make the city safe.

I am a fan of McCarthy but it has to be said that her previous collaborations with her husband, Falcone, have not been amongst her best work. This though, is a lot of fun. McCarthy is on great form, delivering some very funny lines. Spencer has less to do, but is fine playing the straight role. The movie, though, is stolen by a hilarious turn by Jason Bateman as a half-man half-crab conflicted villain.

There is nothing special about the plot that is merely functional but that does not matter when so many gags hit the mark.

Rating: 7.5 out of 10