Evelyn “Evie” Jackson (Nathalie Emmanuel) is living in New York and is mourning the death of her mother, her only known relative. But then she discovers she has extended family in England and accepts an invitation from her cousin Oliver (Hugh Skinner) to attend a wedding. The fact that the festivities were taking place in New Carfax Abbey in Whitby should have raised alarm bells but Evie foolishly falls for the charms of the charming lord of the manor, Lord Walter (Thomas Doherty).

The Invitation is mostly refreshing take on a familiar story. The atmosphere is brooding, and director Jessica M. Thompson sensibly holds back the real horror until the climax. The performances are all pretty good, with Emmanuel getting the balance of naivety and sass just right. Skinner is always a delight and Sean Pertwee is a marvellously gruff butler.

It is a little wearying to see all the English characters portrayed as poshos or doting servants and it is no surprise that Blair Butler, who penned this film, is American. But it does rattle along nicely and is the best new vampire movie I have seen in some time.

Rating: 7.5 out of 10