Speaking of outstanding casts, a few years ago, a movie starring Robert De Niro, Morgan Freeman and Tommy Lee Jones would have been a big deal. Nowadays, with a few exceptions (The Irishman for example) De Niro and Freeman will appear in any old rubbish for a paycheque.

The Comeback Trail is not that, but it is not something that will appear high on any of their CVs. De Niro stars as a struggling and in debt movie producer who persuades a shady Freeman to invest in his new film with the plan of staging an accident to kill off its ageing star (Jones) and collect the insurance.

For a comedy this is pretty short on laughs. It is not horrible to watch though and De Niro, at least, does not phone in his performance. For a better depiction of movie making, seek out State and Main or Living in Oblivion instead.

Rating: 5.5 out of 10