It may seem strange to say about someone who has been made a Dame, but I think that Emma Thompson is underrated. Or maybe it’s just because she rarely gets the lead role in a film it feels that way. In The Children Act, she is in almost every scene and is completely brilliant throughout. She plays Fiona Maye, a high court judge who is faced with a very complex case – should she authorise a hospital to transfuse blood to a 17 year old boy although such action is contrary to his religious beliefs? Additionally, she has to preside over that trial at the same time as her marriage seems to be falling apart.

For most of the running time this is fantastic stuff. Fiona is a captivating character and the court room scenes are almost equalled in interest by those of her home life. Stanley Tucci’s measured and subtle performance as her husband Jack almost matches Thompson’s in terms of quality. I also really enjoyed Jason Watkins as her punctilious clerk.

The story does not quite sustain itself to the end, however. Once Fiona gives her judgement it goes in a direction that is neither satisfying or really believable. Fortunately the excellence of the performances ensures that your interest should be maintained despite the discomfort that the plot line may bring.

Rating: 8.5 out of 10