It seems with every blockbuster release, the hype and saturation coverage increases. Spectre is being shown at all my local cinemas at half hour hourly intervals, to the near total exclusion of anything else. Additionally, it has to live up to being the one after Skyfall (which I would rank as amongst the four best in the entire series, along with From Russia with Love, Goldfinger and Casino Royale).

So, it is a film that was always unlikely to live up to expectations, and whilst it doesn’t, it comes pretty close. It starts off with what I think I would rate as the best ever pre-credits sequence. Set during the Day of the Dead festivities in Mexico City, the first-half comprises of a single tracking shot, a bravura piece of film making by Sam Mendes. That sequence is the highlight of the film. Daniel Craig remains a Bond only surpassed by Sean Connery, and both Ralph Fiennes as M, and Ben Whishaw as Q, are as least as good as any of their predecessors in the role, and Naomi Harris is the best Moneypenny. It is really good to see her more involved in the action.

I also enjoyed seeing Andrew Scott as C, and I think Christoph Waltz made a fine villain. Despite the fact the script was still being rewritten when shooting started, I thought it was one of the best of the franchise. Funnier than recent efforts without resorting to the groansome quips that blighted Roger Moore’s later outings. The final scenes set back in London were beautifully shot and very tense, and there is a great fight scene on a train in Morocco.

On the negative side, some of the other action sequences, such as a car chase through Rome lacked a certain zip and jeopardy, and there is an episodic feel to it as Bond moves from one location to another. Also, he escapes far too easily from the bad guy’s lair.

Overall I would say that it doesn’t reach the heights of the best Bond movies, but I would rate Spectre amongst the second rank, alongside Dr No, You Only Live Twice, and On Her Majesty’s Secret Service.

Rating: 8.5 out of 10

One thought on “Review of Spectre”

  1. Action scenes good but all FAR too long. For example how many times did JB go back and attack the helicopter pilot in the first sequence?

    Acting surprisingly wooden acting in the early London office scenes.

    Great scenery, especially the mountains and the train crossing the desert.

    I was never clear exactly what the baddies were trying to achieve

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