Director David O Russell’s has a pretty impressive CV, dating back to Spanking the Monkey in 1994. His last two films, Silver Linings Playbook and American Hustle, have raised him to a new level. So, when I saw the first 20 minutes or so of Joy, I thought it was a clear case of a director been given too much freedom to do whatever he wants. Filled with unnecessary flashbacks, dream sequences and an annoying voice over, it is completely disjointed and incoherent.

Fortunately, the film then settles down to a sensible linear narrative, with the voice over toned down a lot. That was good as the story is interesting enough to hold your attention without too many tricks. Jennifer Lawrence stars as Joy, a down on her luck single mum of two children who invents a new kind of mop that may or may not lead to fame and fortune. Lawrence is again impressive, and film really comes to life when QVC sales manager, Neil Walker, played by Bradley Cooper, appears.

Building up to a super ending, the film really gains momentum in the second half, and it is one worth persevering with.

Rating: 7.5 out of 10