Becky Connor (Grace Caroline Currey) and Shiloh Hunter (Virginia Gardner) are best friends and fearless climbers. When Becky’s husband dies in a climbing accident, she gives up her daredevil pursuits and concentrates on drinking herself into oblivion. Just under a year after the tragedy, Hunter persuades her to set aside her fears and climb a 2,000 foot TV tower in the desert. They reach the top but the ladder breaks as they try to descend, becoming stranded.

This is definitely not for anyone with a fear of heights. It is extremely well shot by director Scott Mann, giving me the feeling that I was right there with Becky and Hunter. I have no idea how realistic the climbing sequences actually are but they seemed all too real to me and I had to look away a couple of times.

One downside is the character of Hunter. Making her an annoying, airheaded, YouTuber was a poor choice. Also, her secret when revealed was far from a surprise, though a much better twist soon follows. The two lead performances are fine but it is Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Becky’s father who adds some gravitas.

Although the suspense is maintained quite well, the rushed ending is a bit of a damp squib.

Rating: 7 out of 10