Here is a real oddity from writer and director Onur Tukel. Anne Heche stars as Ashley, a struggling artist who, whilst working as a caterer at a party, meets an old college friend, Veronica (Sandra Oh) who is married to a rich businessman. It is apparent that there are underlying issues between the two women and before long a fist-fight breaks out.

I’m not giving anything else away about the plot. The film is a curious mixture of cartoon-like violence and political satire. A war in the middle east is looming as the film starts, and that war will benefit both women financially, but will also have serious consequences for them. Despite its oddness, the film does play out in three acts, with the second and third one mirroring each other, as both women suffer in turn.

The performances are uniformly good. I particularly enjoyed Ariel Kavoussi as Ashley’s assistant, but that’s maybe because she is really the only likeable character!

The ending is a little bit of a let down as the story seemed to run out of steam, but I don’t think I will see another film like this all year!

Rating: 7 out of 10