One of the indicators that we are firmly in awards season is the number of ‘true’ stories on offer, including two high profile releases this week. First up is Can You Ever Forgive Me? Lee Israel (Melissa McCarthy) is a struggling author, who, when researching a new biography chances upon a letter written by Fanny Brice.

She sells it and realises that she can address her money issues by forging similar letters from famous people. I think some people may struggle with the film as they will find Lee a hard person to empathise with, with her brash manner, stubbornness, drinking and ultimately criminal behaviour. I don’t personally have to like the people portrayed in a film to enjoy it, but I did warm to her anyway. She has  ready wit and shows her softer side by her love of her cat. McCarthy, best known for her purely comedic roles, is brilliant. She has thoroughly deserved her Oscar nomination, and fellow nominee, Richard E Grant shines as her unreliable chum.

Lee’s desperation is also well captured by the screenwriters and it was no surprise to see that one of those was the always excellent Nicole Holofcener, along with Jeff Whitty. There is a very moving scene when Lee goes out for dinner with a potential love interest but can’t bring herself to make a meaningful connection. At other times, the film is very funny, especially the repartee between McCarthy and Grant

Marielle Heller’s direction is best described as workmanlike, but the joy is in the writing and performances. There is a small lull about two thirds of the way into the story, though this is mostly an impressive film.

Rating: 8 out of 10