My 2022 film viewing has got off to a great start with this thrilling new British movie. Director Philip Barantini filmed this four times, each as a single take and then selected the best one. This is not a unique way of creating a film. 2015’s Victoria, for example, used the same method and in some ways was more ambitious as the action took place all over Berlin. Boiling Point takes place entirely in, and just outside, a plush London restaurant, but confining the action to one location really heightens the intensity.

Stephen Graham is superb as Andy Jones, an under pressure chef, trying to cope with a fractured personal life, addictions, and a busy last Friday before Christmas in his kitchen. Thrown into the mix are other staff members with issues, Alastair Skye, a snidey celebrity chef who used to work with Andy and has an ulterior motive for being there, a racist arrogant diner, a table of unbearable social media influencers, and a guest with a severe nut allergy.

This is breathless, white knuckle stuff, that is not just a great technical achievement. Vinette Robinson is excellent as Andy’s second in command who is holding the place together, Jason Flemyng is skin crawling as Skye and Alice Feetham makes a real impact as the restaurant manager who is not as tough as she appears to be.

Boiling Point has a limited cinema release and can be rented for home viewing. It is a compelling watch either way.

Rating: 9 out of 10