Sky Movies subscribers can now see a new version of Blithe Spirit, originally planned for a cinema release late last year.

The 1945 David Lean version of this story is well loved and Noel Coward’s play that both films are based on is considered a classic. The basic plot is the same, a writer Charles Condomine, and his wife, Ruth, invite a mystic to hold a séance as research for his current project. As a result, Charles’ first wife, Elvira, returns from the dead.

Anyone who is unfamiliar with Lean’s film of the play should get some enjoyment from the high jinks that did raise a couple of chuckles. There is considerable talent on screen including Isla Fisher (as Ruth), Judi Dench (as the mystic), James Fleet and Emilia Fox.

However, I found it replaced wit and sophistication with a rather strained farce that lacks spark. Dan Stevens, as Charles, gives a rather strained performance and Leslie Mann, as Elvira, does not provide the laughs her character should. Also, Simon Boswell’s insistently upbeat score becomes annoying pretty quickly.

Rating: 5.5 out of 10