Many years ago, I avidly made my way through Bill Bryson’s travel books. I must admit I didn’t think at the time they needed to be made into movies. So, it was with curiosity rather than expectation I went to see this adaptation of his story of his hike of the 2,000 mile Appalachian Trail. As he made that trek when in his 40s, it seems an odd choice to cast 79-year-old Robert Redford as Bryson.

However, any casting reservations were put to one side as it is always good to see such a Hollywood legend on-screen. Indeed, with the emphasis on the struggle to do the walk that is a major part of the book, the casting of an older actor actually works well.

As well as Redford, both Nick Nolte as his friend who does the walk with him, and Emma Thompson as his wife impress. The interplay between Redford and Nolte provide most of the best moments in the film, and Thompson brings her natural charm to the role.

Admittedly, the film feels a little episodic at times, and the coincidence of the same people appearing on the trail more than once lacks believability. But, this is a feel good, funny film that is a pleasure to watch.

Rating: 7.5 out of 10