Ansel Elgort stars as Baby, in this much-anticipated new film from Edgar Wright. He is an expert car thief and driver, who, because he is indebted to crime boss Doc (Kevin Spacey), has to act as the getaway driver on the heists Doc organises. He meets waitress Debora (Lily James) and they fall for each other, resolving to run away together for a new life. But first Doc has to do one last job, along with a crew consisting of Bats (Jamie Foxx), Buddy (John Hamm) and Darling (Eiza González).

The material lends itself well to Wright’s bravura directing style, meshing the action scenes with the soundtrack brilliantly. There is also a terrific one take sequence near the start of the film that makes Baby going out to buy coffee thrilling! There a couple of excellently choreographed car chases that will be most peoples’ favourite parts of the film, though I think there is a foot chase that is at least their equal. I also loved one out-of-the-blue death scene that the makers of the Final Destination films are probably jealous of.

Spacey gives his best big screen performance in years, exuding menace whilst remaining cool like so few other actors can. Foxx is enjoyably over the top in his part and Elgort is perfect for the early parts of the film where he barely talks. Unfortunately, the romance between Baby and Debora never really sparked for me, so, unless Spacey or Foxx are on-screen the time between the action scenes does drag a little.

Hugely enjoyable for the most part, but Shaun of the Dead remains my favourite of Wright’s films.

Rating: 8 out of 10