Twins Nolan (Percy Daggs IV) and Samuel (Anthony B. Jenkins) live with their Mother (Halle Berry) in a remote woodland area. All three have been tormented by an unseen entity that caused an apocalyptic event four years ago. To protect themselves when venturing beyond their house, they use a supply of ropes that attach them to their shack that protects them from evil.

I recently watched Halle Berry in The Union on Netflix. The best thing you could say about her in that is that she sported a fabulous haircut! She is much more committed here, giving a edgy, gutsy performance. Kevin Coughlin and Ryan Grassby’s script avoids most horror movie clichés in this original story and Alexandre Aja directs impressively, creating a foreboding atmosphere. Daggs and Jenkins are both good, even if their characters make frustrating decisions at times.

It seemed that we were heading for one of the bleakest endings I can remember but Coughlin and Grassby sugar coat the conclusion. It adds a layer of ambiguity, which is good, but it also felt like a bit of a let down.

Rating: 7.5 out of 10

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