Based on a novel by Paul Gallico, best known for The Poseidon Adventure, this gentle comedy drama stars Lesley Manville as the eponymous Ada Harris. It is 1950s London, she has lost her husband in the war, and is earning a living as a cleaning lady. After seeing a Christian Dior dress, she becomes determined to buy one. She obtains the money via a few windfalls and by saving, and she heads to Paris.

This is a warm hug of a film. Sure, the depictions of both cities are highly stylised and romanticised, and a lot of the characters are merely types. However, the performances of Manville, Isabelle Huppert as the Christian Dior director and a twinkly Jason Isaacs as Ada’s bookie friend are all note perfect, and make the most of the material. Also, with a background of striking refuse workers and Ada’s unleashed militant tendencies, there is a little unexpected grit in the sugar.

In the end, it will be hard not to be charmed by this story.

Rating: 7 out of 10