I feel that I am usually swimming against the tide of critical opinion when it comes to Seth MacFarlane. I was completely indifferent to the lauded Ted, but also did not find his Oscars presenting a total embarrassment. His latest film, a comedy western has had really mixed reviews, so I was not sure what to expect!

As well as writing and directing, MacFarlane stars as Albert Stark, a mild mannered sheep farmer who is in love with the local school teacher Louise (Amanda Seyfried). He is heartbroken when Louise splits up with him, until he meets a new woman in town, Anna (Charlize Theron). What he doesn’t know is that she is married to, and waiting foe the arrival of, a vicious outlaw Clinch (Liam Neeson).

The story is pretty well worn but there are enough chuckles along the way to make this a watchable film. Some of the sight gags are visually inventive and there are a number of good one liners. However, in the second half of the movie, the plot and drug fuelled fantasy sequence, get in the way of the laughs. Also there are too many fart gags and the tiresome obligatory gross-out sequence. Similar to Bridesmaids, it involves someone encountering humiliating bowel issues, but unlike that film, it doesn’t know when to stop the scene and takes he takes it one step too far.

Of the performances, MacFarlane lacks the charisma for a leading man and Neeson doesn’t seem to realise that he is in a comedy. Theron in a spirited role and Christopher Hagen as Albert’s father fare the best. You can also spend your time spotting the celebrity cameos that include Ryan Reynolds, Ewan McGregor and a fun one by Christopher Lloyd.

So, for once, I seem to be falling in line with a lot of people’s opinions. This is decent comedy but it also feels liked a missed opportunity. I heard someone describe it on a podcast as funnier than Blazing Saddles. That is a ridiculous notion: it isn’t even as funny as Carry on Cowboy! I’d put it more on a par with John Candy’s final film, Wagon’s East.

Rating 5 out of 10