If there was ever a film that could be summed up with the single word ‘pleasant’ this new British comedy is it. You will probably find it drifting over you, chuckling every so often without ever lapsing into hysterics or becoming bored.

The cast (especially) Emma Thompson, Timothy Spall, and Celia Imrie are solidly reliable. Admittedly, I still haven’t completely taken to Pierce Brosnan in comedic roles as he always seems a little forced and stiff but ultimately he is OK amongst such seasoned performers.

The plot doesn’t bear much scrutiny. Brosnan and Thompson play a divorced couple who are swindled out of their pension schemes when Brosnan’s company is taken over. With the help of their neighbours (Spall and Imrie) they hatch a plan to steal a diamond owned by the man who stole their money.

There isn’t much tension, but I don’t think the film makers were attempting to stage a realistic, nail biting, heist. Instead once the four would-be-thieves arrive in the south of France to commit the crime, the action moves on smoothly and agreeably.

There are also some nice observations about ageing and relationships between older couples. Those touches are the highlights of the film but ultimately this is undemanding though unremarkable fun.

Rating 6 out of 10