Osgood Perkins has written and directed this horror thriller set in the 1990s. It stars Maika Monroe as Lee Harker, a new FBI agent who is assigned to an unsolved case involving a Satanic serial killer known as Longlegs (Nicolas Cage). But the investigation becomes more complicated when she stars to uncover occult evidence.

Longlegs has caused quite a stir, gaining a lot of praise and it is certainly frequently disconcerting. It takes a while to get a grip on what is happening, adding to the disorientating feeling I had when watching it. Parts seemed like a standard FBI seeking a serial killer story but mostly it is more off kilter than that.

Monroe does well as a young agent who may have some sort of psychic powers but it is Alicia Witt as her mother who steals every scene she is in. In the last film I saw him in, Arcadian, Cage was unusually restrained. Here he goes way, way, over the top. That is fun to an extent, but I would have found a more grounded character scarier.

Very good in parts, mediocre in others, including the lacklustre ending.

Rating: 6.5 out of 10