Samidha (Megan Suri), an Indian-American teenager has become distanced from her former best friend, Tamira (Mohana Krishnan) because she wanted to fit in with other kids her age. Tamira tries to confide something to her former friend but when Sam does not believe her, a demonic entity is released.

It Lives Inside is a fairly standard teen horror film, full of the usual high school characters including the lead girl who is struggling to find her identity. Writer/director Bishal Dutta does bring an element of originality making Sam a second generation immigrant, and the issues that causes, but there is not a lot of insight on the subject.

There are some scares, especially when teacher Joyce, played nicely by Betty Gabriel, is stuck in a deserted school with the monster. But this is ultimately just serviceable stuff.

Rating: 6.5 out of 10