The increasingly ubiquitous Sydney Sweeney stars as Cecilia, an American nun who moves to a new convent in Italy. Shortly after arriving she finds that she is pregnant, but as she is a virgin, the priests and nuns proclaim it to be a miracle. However, the truth is more sinister.

In a year with a lot of mediocre horror films, Immaculate stands out from the crowd. Admittedly, director Michael Mohan could not resist some cheap jump scares in the early part of the story, when the creepy set up was enough to provide shivers. But, it builds to a tense and extremely gory climax that is really satisfyingly horrific.

Sweeney, who has excelled in a number of different genres, gives a totally committed performance, particularly in the birthing scene.

Not without flaws, but at 89 minutes, it moves at pace and Mohan and writer Andrew Lobel resist setting up a sequel, which is a rarity in modern horror movies.

Rating: 7 out of 10