Jann Mardenborough (Archie Madekwe) is Gran Turismo player whose skills win him a video game competition with a prize of trying out for a real racing team and to eventually become an actual professional racing driver.

I am not a gamer so I have not played and know nothing about the video game or the true story that inspired this film, but the underdog triumphing against the odds arc is common to most sports films, so it did feel familiar. The driving sequences are pretty well marshalled by director Neill Blomkamp and David Harbour shines as Jack Salter, the ex-driver who trains Jann. However, I am not convinced that Geri Horner is an actress!

But, the main problems are with the screenplay penned by Jason Hall and Zach Baylin. Everything is over explained and often on numerous occasions, to the point of irritation. For example, after already mentioning the Le Mans race lasts 24 hours at least twice, Jack’s pre-race briefing for the drivers involves him explaining the race runs for 24 hours!

Also, Jann and his family live in Cardiff but it is clear that the film makers have never been there. There is no sign of a single Welsh accent and the car number plates and trains shown are clearly not British!

It has plenty of problems but this is a fairly entertaining film.

Rating: 6.5 out of 10