John Turturro is a well known face in the movies and a reliable character actor. He is not normally considered leading man material but in Fading Gigolo – a film he also wrote and directed – he has the opportunity. It just so happens he has cast himself as a male escort who satisfies a series of glamorous women!

Facing financial difficulties, an ex-book store owner, Murray (Woody Allen) comes up with a scheme to hire out his friend, Fioravante (Turturro), to curious or frustrated women. Initially he enjoys his new role, but he finds he has difficulties with it when he falls for Avigal (Vanessa Paradis), a rabbi’s widow.

Really this is unexceptional but fairly watchable stuff. Turturro is a competent director, though no great stylist. Physically miscast in the role, he is otherwise good, as is Live Schrieber as his rival for Avigal’s affections. Most of the clients, including Sharon Stone have little to do and Sofia Vergara’s annoying character seems to be there just to appear in various skimpy outfits! Unfortunately, Paradis is terribly miscast as the shy widow so the romance with Fioravante lacks believability.

However, what elevates this film is Allen’s performance. He is playing the usual Woody Allen character, even though this is a rare chance to see him in someone else’s film. He gets all of the best lines and the interaction with Bob Balaban, playing his lawyer, is a delight. Hopefully we will have more chance to see him in front of the camera soon.

Rating 5.5 out of 10