After the death of her mother, grieving teenager Gretchen (Hunter Schafer) moves with her father Luis (Marton Csokas), stepmother Beth (Jessica Henwick), and mute half-sister Alma (Mila Lieu) to a resort town in the Bavarian Alps. The family is there to help build a new hotel, overseen by the enigmatic Herr König (Dan Stevens), who offers Gretchen a job at the front desk to help her adjust. Soon after their arrival, strange things begin to happen.

There is a lot of originality on offer from writer and director Tilman Singer and there are times when it is genuinely creepy. Schafer is excellent, breathing new life into a tropey character of a disaffected grieving teen. Stevens is having a great year in supporting roles, and here he is scary rather than funny.

At times, I thought that Singer tried to cram too many ideas into the story resulting in a lack of coherence. But it wrong-footed me enough to work and is another example of how this has been an above average year for horror.

Rating: 7.5 out of 10

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