Producing a good trailer is an art form. The one doing the rounds for ‘Cold in July’ was an effective one utilising some striking scenes and the score very well. It did though, give away a key plot point that spoilt my enjoyment of this film somewhat. I will try not to do the same!

Up to the trailer spoiler the movie was gripping and interesting. Michael C. Hall plays Richard Dane, a mild mannered family man, who one night disturbs an unarmed intruder and shoots him to death. As this is set in Texas he is regarded as a hero rather than investigated. Dane is conflicted and struggles to come to terms with his actions. Then, when the dead man’s father (Sam Shepherd) who has just been paroled turns up looking for revenge, Dane is afraid for his safety and that of his wife and young son.

So we are not exactly breaking new ground, but the first part of the film is tense and atmospheric. Then comes that twist and the film unfortunately falls apart after that. Story-lines are started and forgotten and Dane starts acting totally out of character without a real explanation. He leaves his family and job for long stretches without any consequences and his involvement in the climatic action sequence stretches credulity. There are also some major plot holes with corpses being dug up without anyone noticing, and someone in the witness protection scheme flagrantly breaking the law.

Despite the problems with the plot in the second part of the film, it is enlivened by a fun performance by Don Johnson who has some decent scenes with Shepherd. It is also good to see the latter in a substantial part rather than the cameos he seems to specialise in these days.

Rating: a generous 6 out of 10