Woody Norman stars as Peter, an eight year old boy who tries to investigate the mysterious knocking sounds that are coming from inside the walls of his house, and unveils a dark family secret.

In terms of pure creepiness, this is one of the best horror films I have seen in a while. The events, as they unfold, feel grounded in reality until nearly the end and the intentions of whatever is trapped in the walls kept me guessing.

Of the cast Lizzy Caplan excels as Peter’s highly-strung Mum, but it is Chris Thomas Devlin’s inventive screenplay that is the real star of the show.

The last half hour does not quite match the intensity of the first hour and there was one annoying trope in that the house that Peter and his family live is permanently gloomy for no apparent reason, even if it is a sunny day or the lights are on. Otherwise this is an original, spooky, movie.

Rating: 7.5 out of 10