Director Bobby Farrelly has been earning his living in TV in recent years, but he now returns to movie making with Champions, adapted from the Spanish film Campeones, itself loosely based on a true story. Woody Harrelson stars as Marcus, a hot-headed minor-league basketball assistant coach who is hoping for a career in the NBA. But when he attacks his head coach, he is sacked. He drowns his sorrows in a bar, and, driving home drunk, hits a police car. He avoids prison time but is given a 90 day community service order, coaching a team of players with intellectual disabilities. Soon, they find themselves competing for a spot in the Special Olympics.

In many ways, this is a typical sports underdog story that we have seen a thousand times before, with many of the expected ups-and-downs. However, the predictability is leavened by a fair few laughs along the way and the chemistry between the players on the team is a joy.

Harrelson is well cast and his burgeoning relationship with Alex (Kaitlin Olson) is refreshingly realistic. Cheech Marin, Ernie Hudson and Matt Cook make the most of limited roles, and, of the team, Casey Metcalfe is a hoot.

In the end, everything is wrapped up a little too neatly to ring true but it is hard to dislike this warm-hearted film.

Rating: 7 out of 10