This is an effortlessly made French drama from the director of the great Love, etc. (1996), Marion Vernoux. Fanny Ardant stars as Caroline, a 60 year old just-retired dentist whose husband is still working. Looking for something to fill her days, her daughters give her a gift of membership to a seniors’ club. She is sceptical about it, but decides to go along, and starts having an affair with her computer instructor Julien who’s in his 30s.

Ardant is terrific, very convincing as the alluring older woman, though the chemistry with Laurent Lafitte as Julien only sparks occasionally. Vernoux moves things along at a reasonable pace, and there is some lovely cinematography of the beach settings. There is one very good scene when Caroline confesses to her daughter Lise (Eleonore Bernheim). I was surprised this is the first screen credit for Bernheim given she is terrific in a very small role.

A pleasant enough way to while away an hour and a half, but don’t expect any fresh insights into the nature of long term relationships. The story is very predictable, lacking surprises or unexpected turns.

Rating 6 out of 10