This action horror film was directed by Benjamin Brewer from a screenplay by Michael Nilon. It stars Nicolas Cage as the father of two teenage boys, trying to survive in a post apocalyptic world.

In the weeks leading up to the new Quiet Place movie, it is interesting to see this much lower budget effort that has some similarities. There are a small number of humans left, hiding in isolated places from what appear to be alien like creatures. Whereas in the Quiet Place series, people have to stay silent, here they have to avoid staying out after dark when the monsters attack.

Initially, with the shaky hand held camerawork showing the scenes of Cage and his sons going about their daily routine, I thought Arcadian would be mostly a drama about survival and their family dynamic. But after one character gets stranded at night it turns into a full on creature feature. The monsters are quite different from anything I have seen before, and look quite convincing, helped by them only coming out at night.

Cage is in a very restrained mode and spends a lot of the running time unconscious so it is left to his sons, played by Jaeden Martell and Maxwell Jenkins to carry the film. They do a good job, even if their characters make questionable decisions at times.

Rating: 7 out of 10

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