This haunting horror movie is written and directed by the very talented Paul Duane. A young couple, Anna (Simone Collins) and Aleks (Charlie Maher) travel around Ireland, collecting rare folk ballads. Following a tip off, they visit a mysterious old lady, Rita (Olwen Fouéré) who recites an ancient Irish song. After they leave, weird things start to happen.

All You Need is Death is an extremely unsettling, atmospheric film. Instead of the usual jump scares, it provides a feeling of mounting dread and is all the more effective for it. A gloomy, moody pall hangs over proceedings thanks to Duane’s skilled direction. All the performances are spot on, particularly Fouéré in her third great appearance this year, and Catherine Siggins as a fellow archivist who meets Rita.

All You Need is Death is showing on a limited cinema run and is also available to rent at home.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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