This third instalment of the Quiet Place series is actually a prequel to the 2018 original, so we get to see how the bloodthirsty aliens with ultrasonic hearing invaded New York. Previous director John Krasinski has contributed to the story this time but has handed over directorial duties to Michael Sarnoski, who also wrote the screenplay.

Samira (Lupita Nyongo’o) has terminal cancer and is living out her days in a hospice. She is on a day trip to the city with some fellow when the devastating event happens. After a series of close encounters, she teams up with Eric (Joseph Quinn) in order to survive.

Prequels rarely work, but I found this to be possibly be the best of the three movies so far, as they seem to be getting better with each one. The set up is simple and the city setting, with the potential for more sudden noise, is a good one. The tension levels were elevated for me as Samira has her stunning cat with her, who I was rooting for more than the humans!

There are a number of nervy set pieces, and Samira’s illness adds a level to the story, though she, in typical Hollywood style, conveniently shows no sign of it when the plot demands. The ending sets up an additional prequel that I hope we will see soon.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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