Still searching for a great new Christmas film, I tried one more on Netflix, A California Christmas. Businessman Joseph (Josh Swickard) is sent to buy a ranch in California by his Mum so the land can be developed. Due to a misunderstanding he ends up working there as a ranch hand and falls for the cash strapped owner, Callie, (Lauren Swickard). Much to his Mother’s disgust, Joseph helps Callie save her farm.

The natural chemistry of the leads (who are married in real life), some good songs, and amusing supporting characters keep things ticking along nicely. But Joseph’s Mum’s sudden change of heart at the end of the film is totally unbelievable and really this has nothing to do with Christmas!
Rating: 6 out of 10

On Amazon Prime is the dismal horror flick The Nights Before Christmas. This tale of a murderous Mr and Mrs Claus is apparently a sequel to Once Upon a Time at Christmas (no, me neither). It is overtly gory rather than scary, witless and badly acted all round, notably by Simon Phillips as Mr Claus. Phillips has one of the most woeful CVs you can imagine so this wretched film will fit right in.
Rating: 2.5 out of 10

I suppose, unsurprisingly, I found what I was looking for with one of the most high profile releases, Happiest Season. Available now to Sky subscribers, I suspect this would have had a decent cinema run in normal times. It is written and directed by actress Clea Duvall, who clearly knows how to get the best of a talented cast. Mackenzie Davies stars as Harper, a young woman travelling back to her parents house for the festivities. Accompanying her is her girlfriend Abby (Kristen Stewart). What Abby does not found out until they are almost at Harper’s childhood home is that she has not come out to her family, fearing it will scupper her Dad’s attempt to run for mayor on a family values platform. Abby agrees to go along with the deception that they are roommates only but then begins to regret her decision.

Stewart and Davies are both excellent, with Stewart in particular inhabiting her role really convincingly. Victor Garber and Mary Steenburgen are believable as the long time married couple and Alison Brie and Aubrey Plaza make telling contributions in the supporting cast. The bulk of the laughs go to Daniel Levy (no, not the Spurs chairman!) as Abby’s gay best friend. Funny and heart warming, this could become a Christmas staple.
Rating: 8 out of 10

Also out now, and on Amazon Prime, is A Christmas Gift From Bob, a sequel to 2016’s A Streetcat Named Bob. This time, James looks back on his last winter on the streets with his beautiful cat, and how Bob helped him through another difficult time. Luke Treadaway and the real Bob reprise their roles from the first film and this is an uplifting. sentimental watch. I have to admit that Bob’s demise in 2020 made this a little bit of a difficult watch for me, and the story is very formulaic, but you would have to have a heart of stone not to be moved.
Rating: 6.5 out of 10